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The Perfect Easter Gift – who needs more chocolate anyway?

Available NOW from Amazon – https://www.bklnk.com/B09TR76Q4N My new book Praying Through the Psalms is out now. In full colour is is a wonderful gift book to bring cheer and the wisdom of the Psalms to all. Illustrated with my photographs of God’s wonderful creation it takes the Psalms and turns them into modern prayers. The…

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The attack continues

The first attack on a human was when the devil attacked Eve in questioning the authority of the word of God (“Did God really say…”). That attack continues today. Will we really exchange the authority of scripture for the short term gain of a tempting piece of fruit?

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Jesus is not only the light of the world, He is the light of your life. You can choose to live in His light or continue to hide in the darkness, Also, you can choose to allow Him to shine His light into every area of your life or choose to keep areas hidden from…

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Grow our Faith

God doesn’t need us to carry out His will but allows us to enter into a partnership with Him to grow our faith and our love for Him.

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Welcome us Back

We may be in two minds about turning our back on God and wanting our independence, but remember if we do God will always welcome us back with open arms, no questions asked. In fact He’d throw us a party, invite us to a feast and make us the guest of honour.

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Moral Decisions

In the garden of Eden God put man’s biggest moral decision in the centre of their working environment. The same is true today, it is in our work, paid or otherwise, where we tend to find our toughest moral decisions. We must work as for the Lord and not let the byproduct of our work…

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Worry Less

Worry less about the parts of your faith that you don’t understand but believe and put into action those parts that you do.

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Praying Through the Psalms

Coming Soon – Praying through the Psalms – Book One – A wonderful resource in helping you pray the Psalms into everyday life. Combining the beauty of God’s word with the beauty of His creation, this book is a must in helping you draw closer to God.

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A Longing

There is a longing within the human heart that can only be satisfied by a connection with the person who created us. Until that connection is made an effort will be made to fill the hole that a lack of connection brings. We will fill it with others, drink, sex, drugs, learning, work etc. but…

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God and Science

Do not allow atheists to tell you that you have a choice between either science or God. Do not allow them to tell you that there is no evidence for God. Do not believe them when they say it is illogical to believe in things you can’t explain (ask them to explain consciousness or energy…

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Our Saviour

There is nothing we can add to the work of salvation that Jesus undertook upon the cross. We can only put our faith in Him as our saviour.

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Whatever life throws at us God has given us the wonderful gift of how we choose to react. We always have the choice to react well, to learn and to grow. It is an amazing gift that we need to treasure and use well.

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Follow God

Never be afraid to follow God, even if it means turning your back on something you’ve invested a lot into. He will always honour your obedience and the trust you place in Him.

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Life in all its fullness

We will always rise from the ashes as God will give lift to our wings We will soar to new heights We will glide to new and better experiences We will not just survive, we will flourish and we will grow God will revive us and revive our fortunes God will draw us to Himself…

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Closer to Him

When I was a young Christian God was close He held my hand and we walked together When I stumbled He picked me up When I was hungry He spoon-fed me When I was tired He led me to still water and gave me rest And then, over the years, I grew up God had…

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You can trust God with your future because He’s the only person that you know for certain will be there. God knows your future already, He knows the end from the beginning and already knows the plans He has for you.

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